Summer Camp Beginnings


In the early 1900s, Teddy Roosevelt feared that the male population was becoming too civilized and soft. He believed it was essential for boys to step out of their comfort zones and develop both physical and mental resilience. This mindset influenced New York’s private schools, which began emphasizing physical fitness alongside academics.

At the same time, the U.S. was grappling with a polio epidemic, and getting children out of the crowded cities and into the countryside was considered the best way to keep them healthy. As a result, summer camps flourished across the Northeast, from Maine and New York to Massachusetts and New Hampshire. The cool temperatures and stunning landscapes provided the perfect backdrop for youth development.

Sound familiar? Fast forward more than a century, and we’re still talking about the same things—getting kids unplugged, out of their comfort zones, physically and mentally fit, health crises like Covid-19 and away from the influences of social media.

Today, we have more options than ever to help children grow, develop, and escape city life. But with so many stunning online videos showcasing camps, finding the right fit—one that aligns with your child’s needs, interests, and your family's budget—can be overwhelming. While every camp may look amazing on camera, the reality is that the differences are truly remarkable.

At Camp Experts & Teen Summers, we personally visit camps while they are in session to assess their culture, personality, facilities, and programs. Our goal is to help you find the best match for your child and family. But don’t wait—many camps are filling up quickly! Now is the time to finalize your research and secure a spot.

Call me today at 305-931-5437 or email to schedule a consultation. Let’s find the perfect summer experience for your child!

Posted: 3/6/2022 8:01:28 AM by Global Administrator | with 0 comments