Is Your Child Ready For Camp

call-karen-girl.jpgMaking the Most of Summer: A Key to Your Child’s Growth

As parents, we work tirelessly to ensure our children receive the best education and most enriching after-school programs. We strive to create a well-rounded environment that nurtures them academically, athletically, creatively, and spiritually. We carefully evaluate schools, tutors, coaches, and any program that plays a role in their development.

Then summer arrives.
For many, summer is seen as a time to unwind—to relax, be lazy, and enjoy a break from structured learning. Children gravitate toward TV, video games, and downtime. And when it comes to summer camp, too often, decisions are made based on the neighbors' children rather than thoughtful research.

But why are we so diligent about 75% of the year—only to become less attentive when it comes to the remaining 25%? Which quarter of your child’s growth are you willing to overlook?

Michael Eisner, former CEO of Disney, once said he "learned the five keys to success in life from building campfires each summer: teamwork, initiative, handling adversity, listening well, and maintaining a sense of humor." Summer experiences have evolved significantly and are now essential for those preparing for college and future success. It’s possible to unwind, take a family vacation, and still give your child an enriching summer experience.

By allowing your child, even at a young age, to develop self-identity, self-worth, self-esteem, leadership, and independence in a nurturing environment, you set the foundation for lifelong confidence and success.

Is Your Child Ready to Separate?
Take our simple readiness survey. Most parents discover that their child is, in fact, ready. If not, we can discuss strategies to build their independence and prepare them for a successful (and temporary) separation.
However, more often than not, it’s the parents who aren’t ready to let go. The greatest gift you can give your child is your confidence in their ability to thrive on their own. You’ve provided them with a home, values, purpose, and love. Now, it’s time to let them apply those lessons in a new environment—even if it’s hard to take that step.

That’s where we come in.

We specialize in identifying the safest, most secure, and personally vetted summer programs for children and teens. Whether your child is shy or outgoing, athletic or artistic, academically driven or simply loves exploring the outdoors, there is a perfect summer experience waiting for them.

With access to over 1,400 summer programs, we work as a team to find the ideal fit—one that fosters success, growth, and joy.

Let’s discover the right program for your child together.

Posted: 2/9/2018 4:02:33 PM by Global Administrator | with 0 comments