Spring Break is Here!!

Yea!! It’s Spring Break! A full week off from school—no lunches to pack and tons of fun activities ahead. If you're traveling, have a blast, stay safe, and enjoy every moment!

If you're staying home with the kids and have a packed schedule, take a moment to savor the excitement at the start of the week. I’ll check back in with you at the end to see if you're pulling your hair out!

Keeping the kids home for a full week without structured activities can be fun, but as the days go on, enthusiasm may wane. The house can get messy, the kids restless, and your free time non-existent. Meanwhile, your partner is craving attention, but you're pouring all your energy into the kids. And you, the momma, get nada.

Sound familiar?

That’s why I bring this up. Twelve weeks of summer is a long stretch, and keeping the kids entertained at home can be costly and exhausting. If you want to break up the summer with a short program (anywhere from 2–5 weeks), it can make a huge difference.

Think about how our friends up north feel about winter right now. The first snowfall was magical, perfect for the holidays. Twelve weeks later? Many are flocking to Miami, despite the cost, just to escape the cold.

So, take this as a reminder to plan ahead for summer! And please share your thoughts about Spring Break next week—can’t wait to hear!

Posted: 3/23/2024 12:00:00 AM by Global Administrator | with 0 comments