The often repeated term – “Refresh Refresh” – represents a typical mom who has sent her children to sleepaway camp but just can’t stand the thought of missing that photo of the day! Every photo speaks volumes as to your daughter’s state of mind, position in the cabin and happiness for the day. That daily picture tells you whether your son is playing hard, kicking daisies in the outfield, bonding or being left out.
Most likely, your interpretation of that moment is quite different than reality. So why not make a project with your kids? Get to know what was really going on when that picture was taken? Long weekend coming up and it is a great time, while still doing laundry from the duffel bags, to put your memory books together with your kids.
So…. Plan ahead. The summer is coming. Know that you will start your project now that school is out!!
All those photos that I know you saw and saved….
1. Put them into a folder labeled Summer 2015.
2. Make subfolders, if you have multiple children, and want to make separate projects for each folder.
3. Attempt to put them in order by labeling each picture and put the first one as 001-”whatever name you gave it”.
4. Open a word document and create a list of the photos number and name.
5. Sit with the kids and start taking notes, by photo number, of what your kids tell you about what is going on.
6. Write a forward and date for your book which will serve as your first page to the book.
You can then go to any of the many photo book on line publishing companies from Shutterfly, Snapfish, iPhoto….
And start your Camp Library.
How cool!!!! Don’t wait. Do it this weekend. And please share with me.
I love camp stories….