“Special” Summers

As I travel every summer visiting traditional camps and various summer programs, I really get a chance to see the marvelous people who deal with all types of children and their needs.  This current trip is dedicated to more specialized programs …. the ones that your neighbor may not have heard of….

Camps for kids with ADHD, Autism Spectrum, and Other Socialization Challenges

Going to camp, playing ball, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, canteen, color war and every other camp activity that we have seen in movies is made available, and yet with a twist.  While doing arts and crafts, for example, one on one assistance is allowing the child to learn:

- the artistic skills,

- to overcome the frustration if the designed mug is not like the example presented,

- to communicate questions to both peers and adults, and

- to create a product of which the camper (and mom and dad) can be proud.

Going to camp where behaviors are categorized, reactions by counselors are trained and campers learn skills to take home.  And they are having fun every single day.  Camps where safe rooms, chill out rooms, and sensory friendly rooms are part of the norm.

But the greatest part of all, the favorite activity of the campers!  The weekly dance party.  Many of the children that gravitate to these special places don’t get asked to the dance, feel awkward, may be bullied, and Just Want to Go and Be Part of the Party.  And these wonderful places, the fave activity is the weekly dance party where everyone has a dance partner, a friend, and are safe and so happy!

Weight Loss and Fitness Programs

I want to stay!!!  Move your body every morning.  Gorgeous healthy foods that help children and teens understand that you are allowed to eat plentiful amounts of healthy foods, learning how to prepare them, select them and absolutely enjoy them.  FitBits for everyone and guidance on calorie count, portion control, and understanding satiety levels.

And yes, cooking lessons, shopping trips and a recipe book. Therapists to work with you, identify why you may be overeating, combatting old habits and creating new ones….

All in a gorgeous setting on a beautiful college campus with wonderful motivating coaches.  Please let me be a kid again!!!

College Programs

One Ivy League school is prettier than the next.  For so many teens, both in middle and high school, traditional summer camps are just not the right fit.  There are many college programs that have both academic, enrichment, athletic and social components.  But just like camps, the right fit is so important.  Programs have different sizes, locations and offerings.  And even more important for the parent, each program has differing levels of supervision.

Visiting the campuses has really been quite an improved education on the variety of options in the teen world.


So, the summer has just begun and the road trips are most certainly educational.  Please continue to check in over the summer for little tidbits on programming as you enjoy this summer and plan for next.

Posted: 7/2/2016 1:55:57 PM by Global Administrator | with 0 comments