Play, Laugh, Learn and Love – Back to Basics

We live in a crazy, sometimes scary world. And yet, more than anything, I want our children to play, laugh, learn, and love.

They should play—freely, with and without purpose, to exercise, to explore, and to simply be kids.

They should laugh—at themselves, at life, and with their friends and family.

They should learn—about history, math, culture, and science, but also about communication, emotions, and independence.

They should love—life, their family, their friends, their neighbors, and the world around them.

Life is far too short to take a single moment for granted. As parents, we work hard to shield our children from life’s harsh realities, giving them the space to dream, hope, and grow into their best selves.

Summer camp is a gift. It’s an opportunity, an escape, and, in many ways, a necessity. It allows children to unplug from the constant media stream and immerse themselves in the real world—one filled with adventure, friendships, and personal growth.

Consider giving your child this opportunity. Because in the end, camp doesn’t just do kids a lot of good.

Camp does the world a lot of good.

Posted: 11/30/2022 7:01:29 PM by Global Administrator | with 0 comments