Without dwelling on the actual passage and the details, I instead want to focus on what this wonderful student and now man got from his studies. He said: we all wrestle with problems, doubts, choices and decisions. As a young man, my parents, and this congregation, have provided me with strength, guidance and love. But....
(and these are his words)
But when I go to camp, I learn about who I am and gain my true independence. It is where I am my best and strongest self.
And of course, in front of family, friends and God, you bet he was telling the truth.
Right back to my philopshoy of roots and wings. If you are teaching your children how to be strong, how to be a mensch, how to be capable, be sure to also teach them how to fly by letting them go (to camp). By letting your children leave you, you are:
1. Giving them the wings to fly independently.
2. You are telling them that you have the greatest confidence in their ability to manage the world on their own.
3. You are allowing them to fall, and pick themselves up, on their own.
4. You are giving them the opportunity to be self aware, self reliant, and gain inner strength.
Is there any better gift? Give your children the gift of successful independence. Send them to the correct camp (by of course, calling on Camp Experts/Teen Summers).
Happy Chanukah!!